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Is Roundup the reason for your cancer? Why not let Monsanto and Bayer compensate you for the harm you were caused? ‘The Justice Now’ helps you find the best Roundup lawyer in California who enables you to turn your whispers into roars simply by filing, fighting, and winning the compensation you deserve.

Monsanto Roundup Weedkiller Lawsuit Lawyer California


Apart from 4,000 claims in the MDL Roundup class action lawsuit, as many as 1600 Roundup lawsuits were filed against Monsanto (now Bayer), the manufacturer of RoundUp. The incident of Roundup broke out when a group of scientists including The International Agency for Research on Cancer raised concerns over the glyphosate in the Roundup. The study found that the toxin causes cancer to humans if they use the herbicides for a long period of time. With the revelation, there have been various such cases in the news.

You can find such incidents as the three-jury bench awarded $2.25 billion as compensation to John McKivison, who suffers from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Various such incidents are taking place, and people are coming forward, searching for the best roundup attorney in California. We at The Justice Now provide full support to plaintiffs seeking justice. 

About Glyphosate: What is Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is an active ingredient used in most herbicides, including most Roundup brand herbicides. Although the main work of Glyphosate is to control broadleaf and grass, it has a potential health impact on humans if someone is exposed to herbicides for a long period of time. Many studies have found that herbicides can cause cancer after direct contact with Roundup.

Potential Health Risks of Glyphosate Exposure

Prolonged or direct exposure to Roundup can pose various health issues, including long-term and short-term ones. 


Long-Term Health Risks

Glyphosate in Roundup can cause kidney damage, reproductive effects, and neurological damage, which can lead to Alzheimer’s and NHL (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) in the long run.

Short-Term Health Risks

Glyphosate exposure can have many short-term health risks, from sore throats and burns in the mouth and throat to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

California's Glyphosate Hotspot: Where is Herbicide Use Highest?

According to the NBC News, “An average of almost 130 pounds of glyphosate herbicides were sprayed per square mile in U.S. counties.” Nueces County and Texas are at the top with the highest glyphosate usage rates among the U.S. counties. These two reasons spread 1,100 per square mile.

Iowa and Illinois account for 15% of national uses, though Southwestern and Northeastern states use the least glyphosate herbicides. 

Particularly in California, Fresno County, Kern County, Tulare County, Madera County, and Merced County are the top users with 9,453,790, 7,945,232, 5,698,647, 4,200,951, 3,976,504 kg of glyphosate herbicides respectively since 1992 and 2017. 

According to the “Pesticide Use Annual Report 2021” published by CDPR, Glyphosate usage reached 10,560,615 pounds for 4,778,325 acre treatment in 2021. The herbicide is also on the top among the top five herbicides used in the region. 

California is the hotspot for Hebrides usage. Suppose you have been using this product for a longer duration and have developed any health issues. In that case, you can seek advice from our The Justice Now team to see if you can file RoupUp Lawsuits in California against the manufacturers Monsanto and Bayer.

Why You Need a California Roundup Lawsuit Lawyer

If you or any of your family members, friends, or loved ones have been exposed to RoundUp and were diagnosed with cancer, you need a skilled lawyer with experience in RoundUp or similar lawsuits. You can connect with ‘The  Justice Now’ team for free case review and connect with suitable RoundUp attorneys. When you connect with us, we will evaluate your case and help you understand if you qualify for compensation for the medical bills or other expenses and suffering. Here are some reasons why you need to connect with RoundUp lawsuit lawyers in California. 

  • You are suffering from NHR.
  • You have been exposed to RoundUp for at least ten years.

Qualities to Look for in Roundup Lawsuit Attorneys.

The qualities of reliable RoundUp lawsuit attorneys include the following;

  • Experience 
  • Expertise 
  • Good Track Record 

Why Choose The Justice Now

Filing a Roundup cancer lawsuit in California is a tedious task if you do not have the right lawyer or attorney. Finding a good lawyer for your RoundUp lawsuit is even more complex if you do not have a good source. That’s where we jump into the scene. We have more than 50k lawyers and thousands of law firms with a good track record in filing and fighting RoundUp lawsuits.

Contact The Justice Now for California RoundUp Cancer Attorney for Free Consultation

Whether you are looking for reliable attorneys, lawyers, or law firms in the USA or California, we are here to help. Call +1 (817) 672 0196 for a Free consultation.

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Common Questions About Roundup Lawsuits (FAQs)

What is the SM addiction lawsuit about?

People who file Lawsuits for Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok addiction are generally those who believe these platforms are the reason for their mental illness. Their pain and suffering are all because of the excessive use of social media. 

Yes, the excessive use of social media can be a severe concern for mental health. You can have various mental illnesses, such as fueling anxiety, depression, loneliness, FOMO (fear of missing out), withdrawals, and suicide (in some cases). 

Even though all social media platforms are considered harmful for kids and teenagers, Facebook, followed by Instagram, tops the race with more cases against the platforms.  

The root cause of addiction to social media is the algorithms and the design. Many parents have filed complaints against these platforms and clearly stated that these platforms have intentionally designed their platform to attract teens on the platforms. 

The victims themselves or the guardians or parents (if the victim is a teen or kid) can file a lawsuit for social media against them. 

More than 80 cases have grouped together and will be heard as one. Besides, there are more than 455 social media addiction lawsuits in multidistrict litigation (MDL) 3047. More than 70% of cases are against Facebook, so most will be clubbed together under class action. 

Connect with The Justice Now, evaluate or review your case, and connect with a lawyer (The Justice Now will help you get a good lawyer in your region). 

Documentation of social media use, proof of engagement, medical records, counseling records, treatment history, and more can be required to file a lawsuit against social media platforms. 

It can be anywhere between $10,000 to $100,000, though the actual amount will be known only after any ruling comes out. 

They will charge the regular practice fee, though you must discuss the charge in advance before hiring anyone. 

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