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Social media is no longer a means of entertainment or information gathering; it is a very addictive platform, gripping lakhs of people, mostly the younger population. Are you or any of your young members, or your children victims of social media addiction? You can now challenge the social media platforms to create or design platforms that attract children and teenagers.

Social Media Addiction Lawsuits

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Key Takeaways: 

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are under the lens of American courts and people, as the majority of them believe that these platforms are intentionally targeting teens.

  • It’s a social media class action lawsuit as more than 80 Meta/Facebook/Instagram Social Media Addiction Lawsuits have grouped together and will be heard under mass tort or class action. 
  • People are filing Social Media Lawsuits, citing the platforms that are designed to encourage users, mostly teenagers, to develop addictive behaviors. 
  • The lawsuits for social media addiction filed by parents also state that the platform uses specific tactics that provoke teenagers and make them addicted, which later turns into mental health, such as depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

Lawsuits Against Social Media Companies

As 78% of American parents believe that their kids are distracted by social media apps, many are filing lawsuits against the platforms, such as Meta (Facebook, Instagram), Snapchat, and others. According to the Business Standard, many social media companies, including TikTok, use specific “algorithms to hook adolescents and young adults.” A case has been registered against TikTok, accusing the platform of having different designs for the app from one country to another, as well as safety features. According to the site, the case was filed in the US District Court, Northern District of California (Oakland), in May 2024 under “In Re Social Media Adolescent Addiction/Personal Injury Products Liability Litigation, 22-md-03047.”

There have been more than 1,000 lawsuits against TikTok and more than thousands for various other social media platforms. Parents of children are mainly coming out to file social media addiction lawsuits against Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube, and Discord. Suppose you or any of your family members are addicted or suffering due to social media. In that case, you can connect with our team, and we help you make a better decision, find a good lawyer, and get compensation.

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Social Media Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Side Effects

Senate RPC, citing a report from the Wall Street Journal, says Facebook’s internal team survey revealed scary details. In the report, it is mentioned that teens were aware of the adverse side effects of social media use, but still, they felt compelled to use the app. It says, “Teens told us that they don’t like how much time they spend on the app but feel like they have to be present. They often feel ‘addicted’ and know that what they’re seeing is bad for their mental health but feel unable to stop themselves.” These are heart-wrenching revelations that demolish the social structure and destroy childhood and everything after. Understanding Social Media Addiction will not help you save the life that matters and even take preventive measures. 

While teens and social media have been a growing concern, understanding its implication on mental health, particularly in children, is the need of the hour. Parents need to keep a close eye on their kids when they are with devices. Social media action is when you or your kids or teens use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, or others more than necessary; you must be concerned and intervene. Obsessing with social media has a significant impact on relationships and mental health, causing stress, anxiety, and others. 

  • Signs You Are Addicted to Social Media: When you start feeling you are using these platforms unnecessarily and still can’t control yourself from using these platforms, you are most probably obsessed and addicted. Do you think there is a compulsion to use social media and spend less time doing offline activities? Do you have withdrawal symptoms? These are signs that indicate you need addiction.

However, if you believe the content on these platforms drives you, you must consult our experts to help you connect with SM addiction lawyers for better help.

Negative Impact of Social Media

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From sleep disorder, poor academic performance, and poor mental health to changes in behavior, withdrawal, and stress, among others, can be the negative impact of social media addiction.

Mental health

Excessive use of social media can put you at risk of depression, irritation, anxiety, and low self-esteem. These are mental health issues that can impact the younger generation, especially kids and teenagers. For mature people, excessive social media use can affect their relationships by socially isolating them from friends, family, and society.

Sleep Disorder

You may develop insomnia if you continue to use social media more than necessary. It can disrupt your sleep and impact patterns.

Poor Academic Performance

While social media is becoming popular among children, academic distraction is on the rise. Teenagers take smartphones to class, and most use social media apps. They use those platforms via laptops and other devices, cursing distractions during class and study time.


People and teens with social media addiction can develop withdrawal symptoms, which can cause anger and distress if they are denied the use of the platforms. 

In some cases, addiction to social media can be deadly. The advent is responsible, and the platforms implement stricter regulations and security features. No doubt, some legal boundaries let these platforms misuse freedom and destabilize the social fabric, but public safety and securing their future should be paramount. You take a step ahead; we help you take many steps. “The Justice Now” is working constantly with a wide range of lawyers and law firms with core expertise in social media and other platform-specific lawsuits to help people get justice. 

Statistics of Social Media Addiction

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  • While 92% of teenagers use social media every day, 24% remain active ‘Almost Constantly.’ 
  • A Shepherd’s Hill Academy report states that Facebook and Instagram are the most dangerous for teenagers. The former attracts 71% of children, while the latter 52%. Meta powers both platforms. 
  • However, the report also said that around 41%, 33%, and 14% of teens use Snapchat, Twitter, and Tumbler, respectively. 
  • Specifically, in the U.S., more than 22 million teens use Instagram, which is almost 40% of the country’s total users. 

Out of the total social media users in the country, more than 10% of social media users are considered addicted, but 10% comprises 33.19 million of the American population.

Social Media Lawsuit Compensation

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Compensation in social media lawsuits can vary from one person to another, though it can range anywhere between $10,000 to over $100,000. The compensation amount will depend on the lawsuit you file against social media and how strong your case is. Here are the compensation you may be eligible for. 

  • Economic damages: Although not a single case has been trialed, legal experts discuss the compensation amounts on various grounds, including monetary damages. Victims may get compensation for the impact on their health and life, such as medical expenses, counseling expenses, and prescription billing.
  • Non-economic damages: Non-economic damages can include harm caused by suffering and pain. They can consist of staying away from social life, emotional damage, and even ruining the enjoyment of life. However, the compensation amount will depend on the solid proof the victim has to support their claim. A good lawyer with expertise in social media harm lawsuits can significantly help.

Why You Need a Social Media Lawsuit Lawyer

SM addiction lawsuits are sensitive and, at their very beginning stage, surrounded by a lot of uncertainties. You need to stay alert and keep a close eye on every move and order given to the court in this regard. More than that, you must have legal expertise to understand every technical aspect. 

Apart from this, hiring a social media lawyer can help you understand your rights and available options if you want to file lawsuits against social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Meta, Snapchat, TikTok, and others. They understand the base that helps you set your case and fight legal battles against these giant accused. People are taking Legal action for addiction to social media, and having the right lawyer by their side can help them have weightage over their case.

What to Look for in Social Media Attorneys

Even though we help you find a suitable lawyer for your social media lawsuits, you take the following steps if you are hiring for yourself. Expertise, experience, and communication are the top things you must consider when hiring a social media mental health lawsuit lawyer. There are some other things you can look for when hiring expert attorneys.

Experience of Lawyer 

With experience, the lawyers become mature and can easily handle complex documents. They feel no pressure, fight your case calmly, and keep your goal (compensation) at the center stage.

The expertise of the Lawyers

Have they handled any social media cases, or are you currently handling any? Their past success ratio can also indicate their expertise, as there’s no ruling in social media cases yet. Hence, you can judge their knowledge by comparing the cases they fought in the past.


A good lawyer is one who listens to everything carefully and responds after taking time and responding to valid reasons. You must have attorneys with this quality if you believe you have a strong case against social media platforms.

Reputation of Lawyers

The reputation of the lawyers, attorneys, or law firms can be crucial in the legal sector. You need to explore if the lawyers and attorneys you are consulting have a reputation in their field.

Practice Charge 

How much do they charge per case or for their practice in the court? You must discuss this in the very beginning. “The Justice Now ” provides lawyers who charge nothing upfront; they first secure compensation and then charge the legitimate legal fee.

Location of Lawyers

You must check the lawyer’s location. Are you going to hire a lawyer from California while your case is being fought in the Texas district court? Of course not. You will have to hire a lawyer from the same region.

How The Justice Now Can Help With Your Social Media Addiction Lawsuit Claim

We work closely with more than 50,000 lawyers in the USA and are closely associated with many people who are looking for legal help but cannot find a way to raise their voices against the atrocities being committed against them. We help those underprivileged people raise their voices by helping them meet the right lawyers in their respective regions.

With Free Consultation with our experts in Teen Social Media Addiction lawsuits, we help you understand your case, get an evaluation, and connect with the right lawyers to help you file, fight, and win your social media case against the platforms.

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We are a team of dedicated professionals who are familiar with U.S. laws and legal systems. When you connect with us, our team will listen to every single detail of Roundup lawsuits.

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Your document is ready; now, you need a Roundup lawsuit lawyer. We connect you with lawyers in your area, taking your requirements, case strength, and other factors into account. 

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Once you know your side, we thoroughly review your documents, review all aspects, and come up with suggestions (if any) and our findings. If we find any loophole or issue, we help you eliminate the problem and complete the documents.

No Upfront Charges

We do not charge you a penny. Even the lawyers you connect with will not charge legal fees upfront. First, they secure compensation, and then they discuss the fee with you. 

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Common Questions About Social Media Addiction Lawsuit (FAQs)

What is the SM addiction lawsuit about?

People who file Lawsuits for Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok addiction are generally those who believe these platforms are the reason for their mental illness. Their pain and suffering are all because of the excessive use of social media. 

Yes, the excessive use of social media can be a severe concern for mental health. You can have various mental illnesses, such as fueling anxiety, depression, loneliness, FOMO (fear of missing out), withdrawals, and suicide (in some cases). 

Even though all social media platforms are considered harmful for kids and teenagers, Facebook, followed by Instagram, tops the race with more cases against the platforms.  

The root cause of addiction to social media is the algorithms and the design. Many parents have filed complaints against these platforms and clearly stated that these platforms have intentionally designed their platform to attract teens on the platforms. 

The victims themselves or the guardians or parents (if the victim is a teen or kid) can file a lawsuit for social media against them. 

More than 80 cases have grouped together and will be heard as one. Besides, there are more than 455 social media addiction lawsuits in multidistrict litigation (MDL) 3047. More than 70% of cases are against Facebook, so most will be clubbed together under class action. 

Connect with The Justice Now, evaluate or review your case, and connect with a lawyer (The Justice Now will help you get a good lawyer in your region). 

Documentation of social media use, proof of engagement, medical records, counseling records, treatment history, and more can be required to file a lawsuit against social media platforms. 

It can be anywhere between $10,000 to $100,000, though the actual amount will be known only after any ruling comes out. 

They will charge the regular practice fee, though you must discuss the charge in advance before hiring anyone. 

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