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Quick Summary: Did you know if you have developed infections or sepsis due to using the Bard PowerPort device, you can file a Bard PowerPort lawsuit and claim for financial compensation? If not, this article is for you as we have detailed every information related to the Bard PowerPort Catheter Lawsuit.
Have you ever had a Bard PowerPort device implanted? Was the device fractured, and did you develop serious health complications? Or, have you suffered serious physical injuries because of your PowerPort implant? You can most potentially file for a Bard PowerPort lawsuit and get compensation for every bit of pain and harm you suffered.
In this detailed guide, we shall help you understand the Bard PowerPort Catheter lawsuit and help you how to file for compensation. Broadly, we have covered the following points in this article. They are;
– What is Bard PowerPoint Device?
– Why People File PowerPort Catheter Lawsuits
– Who is This Bard PowerPort Lawsuit Against?
– Who Qualifies for Filing a Bard PowerPort Lawsuit?
After reading this article, you will understand everything about the Bard PowerPort catheter lawsuit and file for compensation. Let’s explore each point in detail:
The Bard PowerPort is an implantable device used in treatment. It is used when a doctor prescribes a Bard PowerPort to patients if they need repeated injections or other medication into their blood. This device eliminates the need for needle sticks in patients’ arms or leg veins. Your doctor or nurse will implant it to inject fluids or medicines through the Port.
The Bard PowerPort device was approved by the FDA in 2000; since then, many people have used Port during their treatment by doctors. But, many of them have reported malefactions of devices when used. It caused various problems, such as vascular damage and various other malfunctions. Some of the top and serious industries due to Bard PowerPort devices include;
Various lawsuits have been filed with accusations, such as the use of high barium sulfate concentrations, which, in many instances, break down during the implantation. It causes microfractures, degradation, fissuring, and cracking. Many of these problems can be life-threatening; hence, the Bard PowerPort Catheter has been the subject of the lawsuit.
After using the Bard PowerPort device, many people across the country have reported malefaction causing severe injuries, such as blood clots, organ damage, or other infections. Those injuries were life-threatening, and they faced severe consequences for using the Port. Even though people have learned that these issues were known to the manufacturer, they did not alert users and let them face issues with the Port. Now, the United States government has allowed the people of America to file lawsuits against the culprits and get compensation if eligible.
The Bard lawsuit is against the manufacturer Bard Access System, Inc. and Becton Dickinson & Company. People throughout the U.S. believe it’s a deliberate attempt by the company not to inform people about the device’s consequences. In their Bard PowerPort Catheter lawsuits, many have alleged that even healthcare providers were misled by not letting them know about the malefactions of the devices. Hence, the device manufacturer is solely responsible for this havoc and should be liable to compensate.
The manufacturer failed to provide adequate warnings.
The device’s design was harmful and deliberately circulated to stores and hospitals.
You qualify for Bard PowerPort lawsuits if you have ever used the devices or implanted by doctors or nurses and received an injury because of the device’s faultiness. For example, If you have received injuries like;
If you meet these criteria, you can file for a lawsuit. However, we suggest you connect with experts before making any move, as they will help you with the right thing after seeing the case.
The manufacturer, Bard, has faced many lawsuits; it has been observed that it has agreed to a settlement for certain amounts. For example, in 2014, the manufacturer faced lawsuits against defective pelvic mesh products, and it paid over $21 million.
Not just Bard but any company, brand, or manufacturer that makes such heinous crimes is liable to compensate. It will be complex for anyone to explain how much you will get as compensation is concerned unless they know your case. You can connect with experts like The Justice Now and get the detailed explanation for your every question.
We are fighting for people’s justice and helping plaintiffs nationwide stay informed about the justice system and how they can claim for various issues under Mass Tort and personal injury. We help them understand claims but also help them connect with the right attorneys who help them meet their needs and get justice.
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