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The Justice Now Legal News Roundup Lawsuit Blogs

U.S. Supreme Court spurns dispute over Monsanto class-action settlement

U.S. Supreme Court spurns dispute over Monsanto class-action settlement – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a dispute involving a lawsuit against Bayer AG’s (BAYGn.DE) Monsanto Co that could rein in a common form of settlement in class action cases under which money is awarded to charities and third parties unrelated to the litigation.

Roundup Lawsuit Blogs

The Disturbing History of Roundup’s Rise and Fall

Disturbing History of Roundup: After decades of making money through Roundup as the most commonly used Herbicide

Roundup Lawsuit Blogs

Roundup Lawsuit Update January 2023

Roundup weedkiller is utilized for both personal and commercial use. You’ve likely utilized a Roundup product at most once to eliminate the dreaded garden weeds in your garden.
While it’s effective in many ways, studies have found that chemicals contained in Roundup can cause cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer due to or connected to Roundup usage, you could be in a position to file an action against Bayer, the current owner of Roundup, and seek compensation. The following is the latest information on how lawsuits are today and what it is possible to do to safeguard yourself.

Roundup Lawsuit Blogs

7 Key Factors That Can Affect Your Roundup Claim

In 1974 the Monsanto Company introduced Roundup(r) to the world that further created roundup claim. It is a glyphosate-based active ingredient in various commercial herbicides formulated for broad-spectrum herbicides for weed control. Additionally, Monsanto developed genetically engineered crops like cotton and soybeans that are Roundup-capable or intolerant to glyphosate. So, farmers could utilize glyphosate to kill weeds after an outbreak.

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