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Camp LeJeune, Bladder and Kidney Cancer: What You Need to Know


Camp LeJeune, Bladder and Kidney Cancer: What You Need to Know

If you worked or lived in Camp Lejeune, a Marine Corps base in North Carolina, 1953 between 1953 and 1987, you were likely exposed to drinking water that was toxic. While the water was a risk factor, it raised the chance of diverse health conditions, such as kidney and bladder cancer, which are the most frequent. Due to a new law, known as the Respecting Our PACT Act in 2022, people who have been exposed to the water during the time of Camp Lejeune and have since been diagnosed with cancer or other medical condition that qualifies may be able to sue.

What Happened?

In 1982, the Marine Corps received notification that contaminants were detected within three water treatment facilities located at Camp Lejeune. The investigation revealed that the contamination had been in place since 1953. It’s believed to have been caused by a number of industrial spills and leaks from storage tanks and water runoff from nearby businesses within the vicinity. Although they knew the risks at the time, the Marine Corps continued to operate the base as usual and without announcing the risk to the people who resided there up to 1985. They cleared the wells that were contaminated in 1985; however, remediation wasn’t completely completed until 1987.

What Toxins Were Found?

It was discovered that the drinking water that was used at Camp Lejeune was contaminated with a myriad of toxic substances that are known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This included:

  • The chemical Benzene. A compound used to make various nylons, plastics and various other synthetics
  • PCE. Perchloroethylene, or Tetrachloroethylene, is a degreaser as well as a dry-cleaning chemical.
  • TCE. Trichloroethylene is a solvent used for cleaning metals
  • V. Vinyl chloride is the result of groundwater degrading caused by PCE as well as TCE

The chemicals are known for their ability to raise the likelihood of getting cancer. To confirm the dangers, they have researchers from the Agency for Toxic Substances, and Disease Registry (ATSDR) conducted an investigation that examined the health of those who worked or lived in Camp Lejeune with a control group. The study revealed an increased risk of kidney and bladder cancer among both Marines and civilians living at Camp Lejeune.

What Should I Know About Bladder and Kidney Cancer?

Bladder cancer is a condition that affects the bladder. It is the most frequent occurrence among people over the age of 65; however, the high level of exposure to toxic substances can trigger it to develop earlier. Signs and symptoms can include:

  • Urine blood is stained with blood
  • Lower back discomfort
  • Urinary problems
  • The legs are swelling, and the feet
  • Rapid weight loss
  • A loss of appetite
  • The weakness or fatigue of a person

Kidney cancer is a disease that affects the tissues of either or both kidneys. It is more common among those who are over 45, but it can occur earlier when exposed to toxins. The symptoms are very like those of bladder cancer, but an abdominal lump could also be noticed.

Both types of cancers are treatable in their early stages; however, both are fatal if they continue to grow. If you are experiencing any indications of kidney or bladder cancer, It is crucial to seek medical attention immediately.

Who is at risk of developing cancer because of water? Water in Camp Lejeune?

There is a belief that anywhere between 500 and a million people were exposed in Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987. The harmful drinking water wasn’t isolated to a specific zone but affected all areas that comprised the camp. It was discovered in barracks, family housing as well as administrative offices and even in schools. If you worked or lived anywhere within Camp Lejeune during the specified period, whether you were an officer in the Marine Corps or a civilian in general, you’re at greater risk of serious health problems such as cancer.

What Is the Honoring Our PACT Act, and How Does It Affect Camp Lejeune Lawsuits?

Camp Lejeune is located in North Carolina, a state with loopholes in the law that make it incredibly difficult to obtain compensation. Additionally, even though over $4 billion worth of VA medical claims has been made in direct response to Camp Lejeune’s toxic water exposure, Many of these claims were refused.

The Honoring Our PACT Act, which was signed by Biden in August 2022, is a comprehensive law. Biden, on August 20, 2022, introduced an extensive law that enhances access to healthcare as well as funding for veterans exposed to toxic substances while serving. This law, known as the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, was initially introduced as independent legislation but later was made a part of the Honoring Our PACT Act. In this law, veterans and civilians who resided and worked in Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 are now eligible to pursue justice.

How Do I Know if I Qualify for Compensation?

In order to be eligible for camp lejeune class action lawsuit compensation, you must have been exposed to the drinkable water of Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days. If you were only able to make only a brief visit, you’re not qualified. However, if you were at the base for more than 30 days over the greater than three decades in which the base was home to toxic water, you might be able to bring a suit.

Additionally, you should be identified with an eligible health issue in the course of your 30-day stay at Camp Lejeune. Apart from kidney cancer and bladder cancer, there’s an extensive list of qualified conditions. This includes, but is not restricted to:

  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Female infertility
  • Hepatic Steatosis
  • Immune disorder
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Nerve damage
  • Non-cancerous kidney damage
  • Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Rectal cancer

There are many qualified health conditions that qualify, and it is best to get legal advice in the event that you have spent time at Camp Lejeune and were later diagnosed with any kind of cancer or a serious disease. You’ll need evidence of your time at camp as well as evidence of the medical diagnosis you received. A seasoned attorney will look over your medical records and assist you in deciding if a lawsuit would be the best option for you.

With The Honoring Our PACT Act, the time to act is now. If you or someone close to you as a part of or employed on the grounds of Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 and was later identified with an eligible health issue, take advantage of our free case assessment, and we’ll follow up to discuss your options.

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