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Bayer ordered to pay $2.25 billion after jury links herbicide Roundup to cancer

Roundup to cancer Justice: A jury has handed down a $2.25 billion judgment, which includes the amount of $2 billion as punitive damage against the agrochemical giant Monsanto, according to lawyers representing the man who claims that he contracted cancer after using the company's herbicide, Roundup.


27th Jan (The Justice Now) – John McKivison, 49, filed a litigation in Philadelphia to sue the firm following the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which he claimed was caused by the use of Roundup in his home for more than 20 years.

A jury on Friday returned a unanimity verdict, concluding that Roundup is a cancer-causing drug and that Monsanto’s conduct was negligent and failed to warn consumers about the dangers of Roundup, McKivison’s attorneys Tom Kline and Jason Itkin declared in a joint statement.

“The verdict of the jury’s punitive damages conveys a clear message to the public that the multinational corporation requires an overhaul from top to bottom,” they said, declaring the verdict “a rejection of fifty years of misconduct at Monsanto.”

In a statement sent to the public, Bayer, Monsanto’s parent company, announced that it was planning to contest the ruling as well as what it described as “unconstitutionally exorbitant” damages. The company said that the verdict of the jury “conflicts against the overwhelming evidence of science as well as the world’s scientific and regulatory opinions” in the case of Roundup.

The allegations are based on the chemical glyphosate used as a planticide by Monsanto in 1974, which blocks a particular enzyme in the majority of plants, preventing their growth. The company also introduced genetically altered plants that are not susceptible to the chemical glyphosate.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency discovered in 2020 that “there is no risk of human health concern when glyphosate is utilized according to the current label” and that “glyphosate is unlikely to cause a carcinogen for humans.”

The European Commission said last year that “based upon an analysis of all the available data, it is not currently possible to find evidence that glyphosate is carcinogenic.” The Health Canada Pest Management Regulative Agency has approved the use of glyphosate.

The WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded in 2015 that glyphosate was “probably carcinogenic for human beings.”

Bayer has agreed to pay around $10 billion in settlement to thousands of people who filed claims regarding the claim that Roundup triggers non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, but without admitting to wrongdoing. However, claims against the company have been surfacing since the time it was first announced. The company won an instance in December. 22 California but losing an appeal in December. 5. Pennsylvania and then was unsuccessful in a case on Nov. 17, in Missouri, according to reports from the business.

It was the German Pharma giant Bayer bought the U.S. agricultural chemical company Monsanto, which is the creator and manufacturer of Roundup, in the year 2018.

What Does This Decision Mean for My RoundUp Case?

The past 4 significant RoundUp cases have been resolved by the plaintiffs claiming that they developed cancer due to prolonged exposure to RoundUp products. The Philadelphia Court’s decision in confirming an earlier decision against the Roundup could mean that Monsanto did not adequately inform customers of the risks to their health or safety from this Roundup product.

However, each RoundUp case is unique. The extent to which this ruling could be taken as a signpost for future decisions on comparable RoundUp cases will be contingent on the specifics of your specific case. For more details on RoundUp litigation or to discuss your situation with an expert in product liability assistance, contact The Justice Now.

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