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Crime against women is increasing day in and day out, and it’s happening everywhere. Did you know there are around 387 cases of sexual assault by rideshare drivers of Uber® and Lyft® in the USA? At “The Justice Now,” we are committed to helping you hear your voice and every rideshare assault victim gets help. Call +1 (415) 965 2258 now to get a Free case evaluation.

Rideshare Sexual Assault Lawsuit

  • Uber and Lyft Rideshare Allegation at a Glance
  • Allegations: Sexual Assault
  • Allegations Against: Uber® and Lyft®
  • Number of Lawsuits: 387
  • Lawsuit Number: MDL No. 3084
  • Matter Heard in: U.S. District Court California

As rideshare sexual assault is on the rise in the USA, people from all 50 states are filing civil lawsuits against Uber® and Lyft®, accusing the company of neglecting safety measures and failing to provide safe rides to riders, especially women. Uber has been facing serious allegations and has slapped various lawsuits from rideshare passengers with the same accusation. They have mentioned that the Uber and Lyft drivers have sexually assaulted them while alleging the company ignored proper background checks and overall screening of its drivers.

So far, more than 387 rideshare sexual assault lawsuits against Uber Technologies have been filed. All Passenger Sexual Assault Litigation MDL No. 3084 against Uber and Lyft have been centralized in MDL, though new cases will continue to be filed. Even though there have been many lawsuits against Uber, Sexual assault lawsuits are active and ongoing lawsuits in MDL. People have similar allegations, and recently, a law firm filed a lawsuit against Uber on behalf of 500 women who alleged sexual assault by Uber drivers.

Such incidents continue to rise; if you have ever faced such an issue, this is the time. Connect with us, get a Free case evaluation, and let us be your cavalry. We help you fight your case with solid representation by the top lawyers in the USA.

Latest News on Rideshare Sexual Assault Lawsuit Update 2024

If you are closely following rideshare sexual assault lawsuit, we bring you latest updates in the case to catch up. 

September 1, 2024

Ballard lobbying firm received subpoenas from rideshare sexual assault victims in the court after getting clues of Uber’s lobbying efforts to get a favorable law passed in the matter. 

August 15, 2024

U.S. District Judge Charles R. Breyer dismissed several claims filed in the Uber driver sexual assault multidistrict litigation for want of proper evidence. 

August 2024

The Uber Passenger Sexual Assault MDL has witnessed a 20.56% increase between July 2024 and August 2024. 

August 1, 2024

A new case in Uber sexual assault litigation has been filed against the company for negligence. With this, the total number of cases in the Uber Passenger Sexual Assault MDL has reached 387. 

July 2024

Uber Technologies appealed the ruling and urged the court to pause all proceedings until the appeal is resolved. 

Jul 13, 2022

A law firm filed a lawsuit against Uber on behalf of 500 women who alleged sexual assault by Uber drivers.

This is a developing section, and we will continue to add more updates as we receive them. Meanwhile, if you have ever faced rideshare abuse, contact your lawyer now or contact us to help you find the best rideshare assault lawyer or law firm near you. 

Uber & Lyft Drivers Sexually Assaulting Passengers

Many news circulate about sexual assault by drivers of Uber and Lyft. Recently, Uber reported receiving around 10,000 incidents or complaints from riders. The incident number is the quarter of that is reported; there are many such incidents, including sexual violence, that go unreported. This has to end, which is what “The Justice Now” is committed to. 

If you or any of your known or loved ones have ever been faced with a similar situation by rideshare or Uber drivers, connect with us if you have yet to hire or have yet to review your case, and we will help you get justice. You can write to us or call +1 (415) 965 2258 for Free case reviews.


Most Common Injuries From Uber or Lyft Sexual Assaults

Anything non-consensual, whether it is ogling, using, or exploiting sexual body parts, is a common injury in sexual assault cases. Apart from this, sexual assault and exploitation can cause a range of physical, emotional, and psychological injuries, which means not all assaults result in physical harm.

Immediate Steps to Take After a Rideshare Sexual Assault Incident

Alert: Call 911 if anything untoward happens to you while traveling.

Sexual assault is happening as only then so many cases are being filed against rideshare. But there are some things that you can do immediately if you ever face such a situation. 

  • Get to safety by seeking refuge from a trusted place or contact person. 
  • Seek medical attention immediately if you are injured or harmed
  • Report to police and rideshare company
  • Try to preserve and document evidence
  • Contact a lawyer and file a lawsuit against the rideshare company

Types of Compensation in Uber Sexual Assault Lawsuits

There can be a few types of compensation, such as non-economic damages, in which the plaintiff may have gone through emotional distress or intangible losses. For example, they may claim that due to the sexual assault incident, the victim is not able to have a sexual relationship with their spouses. You can also claim compensation for economic damage. For example, compensation for medical bills, mental anguish, etc., is yet another type of compensation you can claim in a rideshare sexual assault lawsuit.

Why Are People Filing Claims Against Uber, Lyft and Other Rideshare Companies?

People are getting aware of the incident and know that they can file a lawsuit for compensation. We at “The Justice Now” help people understand their rights, file cases, and win the competition they deserve. We help them gain awareness while also helping them connect with rideshare sexual assault lawsuit lawyers in the selected regions. As some people started filing lawsuits against Uber, many came out and filed lawsuits against many other rideshare companies, including Uber and Lyft.

Who Can File an Uber or Lyft Rideshare Assault Lawsuit?

Anyone who rideshare companies have sexually assaulted can file the lawsuits. You can directly call Uber and lodge your complaint. However, if you believe the company failed to protect customers and ignored passengers’ safety, you can file a case against the rideshare firm; no matter who you are, you may win compensation.

How to File a Rideshare Sexual Assault Lawsuit?

  • You must have proof that Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare drivers have ever assaulted you. You need to document everything that proves that you were sexually assaulted during your ride. 
  • Document everything if you can, as your evidence will play a significant role. Recently, we have witnessed a case in which a court dismissed many cases for lack of proof. 
  • Contact a lawyer or law firm, or “The Justice Now,” as they will help you make a smooth transition into your case and win it. If you have not yet connected with a lawyer, “The Justice Now” will help you review your case and get Legal help for rideshare assault.

Deadlines for Filing Your Lyft or Uber Lawsuits for Rideshare Assault

It differs from one state to another in the USA, but most states allow two years from the day the incident occurred. However, some states allow ten years to file lawsuits.

Compensation in an Uber or Lyft Rideshare Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Many expert lawyers have expressed optimism that, in most cases, they will receive compensation of $10,000 to over $500,000 per person. However, the actual compensation amount will depend on the type and strength of the case.

Get Help from an Experienced Rideshare Lawyer

The Justice Now is committed to helping you get justice. We work with more than 50K lawyers all across the USA and help plaintiffs file, fight, and win compensation. We do this to help people get compensation and win cases. We understand that most cases go in vain just for want of the right lawyers, and people are left without justice delivered to them. We make sure this does not happen to anyone we know. We help every plaintiff know their rights, document evidence, and connect with the right lawyer, and we do not charge even a single penny upfront. We even have pro bono lawyers who can help you if needed.

Choosing The Right Uber Sexual Assault Lawyer

When you choose an Uber sexual assault lawyer, you need to ensure a few things. You need to check if the lawyer or law firm has filed rideshare sexual assault Lawsuits Against Lyft and Uber. 

  • The Experience : The lawyer must be experienced enough to understand the nitty-gritty of legal matters.
  • The Expertise : The law firm or attorneys filing your sexual assault case against Uber and Lyft must have fought similar cases. 
  • Communication : Good communication between lawyers is essential, as it can help you recognize their experience and expertise. Sometimes, communication improves with experience and expertise.

Contact The Justice Now for an Uber Sexual Assault Lawyer

Justice Now is the popular source for Uber Sexual Assault Lawyer help, offering reliable legal assistance to claimants from all across the USA. We work closely with experienced lawyers and attorneys in the USA. Here is what sets us apart from others.

  • Vetted Pool Lawyers: We connect you with the lawyers who have filed and won sexual assault cases for many claimants.
  • Fleet of 50k Lawyers: We are associated with and working with more than 50 thousand attorneys and lawyers. We can help you connect with lawyers anywhere in all 50 states of the usa. 
  • Expert Consulting Team: We have an expert consulting team in-house who understands the legal industry’s complexities, including Victims of sexual assaults while using Uber or Lyft.
  • 20+ Years of Experience: We have been serving and helping people in the USA for over two decades, offering Free Rideshare Assault Lawsuit consultation. We understand every legal issue and keep ourselves updated on everything happening within the legal system.
No Win, No Fee Guarantee

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Lyft & Uber Rideshare Assault Lawsuit FAQs

What is the Lyft and Uber sexual assault lawsuit about?

People are filing cases against Uber and Lyft, claiming that rideshare companies ignore people’s safety and hire criminal-minded drivers. The sexual assault lawsuit is rising in the usa.

Both are rideshare companies facing lawsuits. They are accused of ignoring people’s safety and hiring drivers without conducting proper background checks.

Yes, you can sue rideshare companies for sexual assault, though you must have enough evidence, or else you face defamation from the companies to tarnish their image.

Connect with lawyers or connect with our team. We will help you review and file cases by hiring the right lawyers near you. You do not have to pay any price to lawyers upfront.

Police reports and Medical records are enough to file rideshare sexual assault.

It can differ from 2 to 10 years, though you have at least 2 years to file a sexual assault lawsuit against ride-share companies and get compensation.

There is nothing upfront. However, they may charge as per their regular practice price. You can confirm with your lawyer.

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