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​Why Do Premature Babies Get NEC?


​Why Do Premature Babies Get NEC? - An NEC diagnosis can be painful for parents of premature babies. Infants typically have less weight at birth and can face serious problems.

An NEC diagnosis could also mean longer times in NICU and, in some instances, more complications. If external causes contribute to NEC, the diagnosis can cause parents to be frustrated when they confront this diagnosis and seek justice through a defective product lawyer.

The causes of NEC in Babies

Where did NEC originate from?

Doctors aren’t entirely sure of the reason behind NEC or necrotizing Enterocolitis. It is believed that an insufficient digestive system could cause it. Infants who are young, especially premature infants, cannot combat infections caused by bacteria.

What are the most vulnerable babies?

Infants born prematurely may not have sufficient protection, both in the form of biochemical defenses or the structure of their bodies, to avoid spreading bacterial infections. Many parents of infants who were born prematurely are aware of the greater risk their young infants face, which includes an increased chance of developing NEC.

What can we do to prevent NEC?

However, research has shown that feeding formula to premature infants, particularly during the first few days of their lives, can significantly increase the likelihood of developing NEC. The infant’s underdeveloped digestive system, especially those with a pre-existing digestive system, works best when fed human milk. The American Academy of Pediatrics states the need for premature babies to consume an aliment based on human milk if feasible. The AAP even says that infants who cannot receive their mothers’ milk for reasons of any kind should be fed human donor milk, pasteurised if possible, rather than formulas based on cow’s milk.

A Link Between Formula and NEC

Consuming cow’s-milk-based formulas instead of a milk-only diet can lead to an increase of 50 percent in developing NEC with a 90-percent likelihood of developing NEC, which requires surgery.

Consuming human milk with a fortifier made from cow’s milk significantly increases NEC risk, with a 4.2-fold higher likelihood of NEC and a 5.1-fold increase in the chance of NEC and NEC, which causes death. About 12 percent of babies born with a weight of less than 1,500 g will be diagnosed with NEC.

It does not mean the formula is responsible for NEC directly. It is more than the consumption of procedures that significantly increases the likelihood of NEC development.

Scientists are still determining the exact relationship between formula feeding and NEC. Certain studies suggest that formula-based food may cause inflammation or even not offer the same anti-inflammatory benefit breast milk provides in humans. However, cow’s milk could drive the growth of harmful bacteria that live in the gut.

Human milk can provide several benefits for babies. Human milk reduces inflammation and can help reduce bacterial infection spread throughout the body. Cow’s milk, which includes formula and fortifiers, might not have the same benefits and be a reason to increase the risk of overall illness, particularly for fragile infants.

Unfortunately, many infants usually receive cow’s milk or cow’s milk-based fortifiers at the NICU since neither the parents nor the doctors are aware of the risks of formula use. Doctors might even think that giving formula could aid in weight gain for infants or provide additional health care during their recovery within the NICU.

Around 25 percent of babies diagnosed with NEC are likely to die. Some may experience ongoing complications that could persist throughout their lives. While timely treatment, which includes stopping all oral feeding, will help reduce the harm caused by NEC, it will not be enough to safeguard children. Human milk-only diets can significantly reduce the risk of many of these. Infants don’t suffer fewer outcomes because of the consumption of human milk.

Do Formula Companies Bear Liability for NEC?

Many parents believe they have a say in the type of food their kids receive during their stay in the NICU. Many mothers of premature babies struggle to pump sufficient milk. They feel they are forced to introduce a formula. And in many instances, they do not have any concept of the dangers associated with it.

Formula companies usually depend on the parents’ ignorance to sell infant formula rather than human milk. They promote formula as a more convenient choice and could suggest that formula-based milk offers benefits over milk from humans. The formula companies provide no parents with any information about the risks their children could suffer if they feed their infants with formula rather than human milk. This is why formula manufacturers could be responsible for the devastations suffered by premature infants in many cases.

False Advertising

Formula companies employ various advertising strategies to encourage parents to use the formula for their babies.

  • Marketing geared toward the parents of premature Infants

Premature babies often have special medical issues that require a lot of attention. Parents may be concerned about the ability of their infant to keep pace with their peers. They need to gain weight appropriately, reach milestones correctly, and observe complete brain development. But parents of premature babies often are faced with additional worries. They may be worried that insufficient nutrition could hinder their children from growing as large as they can, leading to delays later in life.

Formula manufacturers like Enfamil and Similac are attempting to capitalize on these concerns by promoting their products. They provide specific formulas and fortifiers targeted toward parents of premature babies. They claim these formulas can help infants catch their weight gain or aid in brain development. Packaging these items could make parents feel comfortable giving their children this kind of food in particular, as it’s common in hospitals.

  • Marketing creates false needs.

The two brands, Similac and Enfamil, have extensive information on feeding strategies through their sites. They may even provide more information regarding breastfeeding than formula feeding. They say they want the parents to be able to make the “informed decision” about formula or human milk for their infants.

Unfortunately, this content provides a wealth of information that could prey on the fears of new mothers. The content discusses various breastfeeding concerns, including mastitis, to supply issues. It doesn’t discuss the problems, such as the possibility of NEC diagnosis associated with formula feeding. The information might cause mothers to use formula when they notice signs of trouble instead of addressing any potential issues.

In addition, the formula companies ensure that parents can access the formula before the baby arrives home. This makes the procedure more normal, pushes it over breastfeeding, and can make it simpler for parents to grab recipe the first night or indicate a low supply.

However, women’s bodies function on a supply and demand system when it comes to producing breastmilk. If mothers are using formula as a supplement, their bodies may need help understanding the increase in demand, meaning that they might not have the additional milk required by the baby. Ultimately, this could lead to an abrupt end to breastfeeding in the long run.

Inadequate Warns

The failure in the case of Similac, Enfamil, and other popular formula companies comes down to one major risky issue: their Inability to warn and educate parents about the possible risks of NEC.

Premature infants face several dangers. They might require special equipment to properly feed, travel safely, and wear clothes and diapers. Each of these products and devices comes with explicit warning labels that let parents know when they put their infants at a risk that is not necessarily risk through using the products.

Formula bottles can also contain specific warnings. For instance, Similac and Enfamil’s ready-to-feed preemie formulas warn about heating the containers since the microwave can cause hot spots that may harm the baby.

They don’t, however, contain any warning concerning NEC.

Parents typically don’t know about NEC and its dangers until it occurs in their babies. They might not even be aware of the risks their infant is exposed to just by drinking the contents of a bottle. Even doctors might be unaware of the dangers associated with formula-feeding premature infants. Formula companies profit from parents who might not be aware of the risks their child is exposed to or can steer clear of.

What Do You Do If Your Premature Infant Gets an NEC Diagnose?

In the wake of the NEC diagnosis, you could be required to concentrate on your infant’s healing. You may need to learn about the NICU and determine how to manage an ostomy and manage the demands of being a newborn in the NICU, along with the other issues that come with an expanding family.

If your child is suffering from a diagnosis of NEC due to Similac and Enfamil consumption within the NICU, there is the right to receive compensation. It is essential to protect your rights to payment, and a lawsuit could give you the money to ensure that your infant is provided with the highest quality of care in the NICU and when they return home.

  1. Get in touch with an attorney as soon as you can.

A lawyer can help you learn how your family could be entitled to compensation due to an NEC diagnosis and the steps you should take to safeguard your family. Discuss with the lawyer your infant’s diagnosis, the formula or fortifier your child received, as well as the amount of compensation you could be entitled to. A lawyer can assist you in determining the steps you should follow to maximize the amount of payment you could receive.

In many instances, an attorney can settle your case from there. It is not a good idea to worry about a lawsuit when caring for your child recovering from NEC. A lawyer can help you navigate the litigation process while you concentrate on the recovery of your child.

  • Stay on top of the higher costs you could face following the NEC diagnosis.

When you have a child in the NICU it is possible that you face medical expenses that have risen significantly. To protect your rights to compensation, you should distinguish between medical bills related to your infant’s prematurity and ongoing treatment and those directly associated with NEC. If you need more clarification it is best to consult your lawyer about these bills.

A lawyer can assist in determining how long your child might be spending in NICU and what additional assistance your child might require upon returning home due to an NEC diagnosis. If your child requires in-home treatment or ongoing service for a roomy due to the NEC diagnosis, you could add these additional costs to your claim.

  • Consider what other financial losses your family has suffered due to the NEC diagnosis.

Have the spouse, or do you need to take time off or absence from work or quit work temporarily to care for children in the NICU? Are you forced to leave your job to allow your child at home instead of sending them to daycare? Consult your lawyer about the financial loss you’ve endured and how it might affect your overall rights to compensation in the event of the NEC diagnosis.

  • Do not post concerning the case on social media.

Although you might share your child’s difficulties, do not blame the formula makers directly when handling your claim. It is not a good idea to share information in a way that might reduce the amount you are entitled to. Keep the information regarding the lawsuit confidential until you have resolved the issue.

Your family could be entitled to compensation if your child was diagnosed with an NEC diagnosis because of formula intake or fortifiers during the NICU or after the return home. A lawsuit won’t restore physical health, but it could help you get the funds to provide your baby with the best treatment. Talk to a The Justice Now Experts about the rights of your family to be compensated.


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