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What Is a Natural Alternative to Roundup?

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What Is a Natural Alternative to Roundup?

Many homeowners and gardeners are searching for alternatives to Roundup, the weed killer (herbicide) which can increase the risk of getting certain kinds of cancer.

Roundup is one of the chemicals that is classified as a carcinogen by the International Research Agency on Cancer (IRAC) as a “probable human carcinogen.”

Natural alternatives to Roundup can be found in everyday household products such as vinegar, salt as well as dishwashing soap. Keep reading to find out more about these alternative options.

How to Control Weeds in the Natural Way

The news site for the environment EcoWatch is a good source of information on organic alternatives for Roundup. It is possible to also inquire with your state’s department of horticultural sciences for advice on controlling the weeds in relation to the soil as well as the climate and the weather in your area.

Boiling Water

It is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment or tools specifically designed for this method of weed control. All you require is an electric kettle or a large pan. Make sure the water is brought to boil , then pour it over your weeds. This burns the weeds without harming any plants. It’s perfect for weeds growing within the cracks in your walkway or driveway.

Vinegar and Salt

You’ll have several options when it comes to this natural remedy to Roundup. It is possible to pour the regular household vinegar of five percent directly onto weeds. It is possible to also combine the vinegar and salt with liquid dish soap to create an extremely effective weed killer. Mix 1 gallon of white vinegar with one cup of salt , and add a tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Pour the mixture into the spray bottle of a plastic container and shake it gently. Spray directly on the weeds.

Liquid Household Soap

Spray liquid dish soap on the waxy or hair leaves of weeds. The soap’s oil naturally breaks down the surfaces, causing the most destruction to the weed, with minimal or no impact on your lawn or plants.

Vodka and Water “Cocktail”

Making this mix of water and vodka is definitely not a pleasant time for the weeds. Mix the two cups of vodka, a tablespoon of normal tap water along with the occasional drop of soap liquid. This is particularly effective against plants that are growing in full sun due to the alcohol content of the vodka drying out plants and killing the weeds.

Corn Gluten Meal

This byproduct of milled corn can hinder the seeds of weeds from germinating, and spreading undesirable weeds. Gluten meal from corn is safe for animals and can be found in most garden centers and on the internet.

Heavy Plastic Sheet

It is possible to eliminate large areas of weeds using a technique known as solarizing. This method is most effective when weeds are located in full sun or in sunny regions. Cover the weeds in a plastic sheet and keep the area for up months to six. The sun’s heat can literally cook the weeds beneath the plastic sheet, making them dry and brown.

Limit Digging and Tilling

The seeds of weeds are introduced onto the surface every time you turn your soil vegetable or garden patch. Be careful when digging and tilling to prevent creating a disturbance to the soil and encourage new growth of weeds.

Use Mulch

Mulch is a great way to smother all weeds. For the best results, put down a layer of cloth, plastic, or any other material that is thick. Then add mulch. It can be straw or bark, wood chips, newspaper, compost or cardboard, gravel, as well as grass clippings. Do not use hay as it has seeds that grow into the undesirable weeds.

Plant Competition

They thrive in areas with the space, the nutrients, sunlight and water. A good way to get rid of weeds is to push them out by planting competing plants. Make use of dense ground covers such as perennial plants, trees and shrubs that roots and shade systems naturally hinder weeds from germinating or spreading.

Manual Removal

It can be time-consuming, however constant hand-weeding with hoe, shovel or trowel is a simple and natural alternative to Roundup. It is important to get rid of the weeds from their roots. This hinders their ability to germinate , and weakens plants with taproots, like dandelions.

If You Used Roundup and Received a Cancer Diagnosis, Call Us Now…

People who are exposed regularly to Roundup have an increased risk of 41 percent of developing certain kinds of cancer than those who do not utilize the herbicide according to research conducted at the University of Washington. We urge you to make use of this natural alternative to Roundup.

If you were exposed to Roundup regularly, on a longer-term basis, and have a diagnosis of cancer, we can assist you in pursuing the financial compensation you deserve to cover medical expenses as well as other losses. Contact The Justice Now at 573-464-6698 for an appointment for a no-cost consultation.

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