If you or a loved one lived or worked at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina between 1953 and 1987 and believe your cancer, serious injury or a loved one’s death may be related to the water contamination, please call us at +1 530-201-4340 today.
Camp Lejeune is a Marine Corps Base located in Jacksonville, North Carolina. The largest Marine Corps base on the East Coast, it has been home to many millions of service members and their families since it was established in 1941. It is also the site of one of the worst water contamination cases and government cover-ups in U.S. history.

*The Justice Now has Best Camp Lejeune Lawyers available in Columbus, Ohio.

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Why Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawusit

Between 1953 and 1987, more than 1 million military personnel or civilian workers and their families stayed on the base, unaware of bathing and drinking in the water contaminated by harmful chemicals. Petroleum, oil industrial wastewater, and harmful chemicals (such as solvents and degreasers) were dumped in storm drains in the area by the U.S. government. The fuel tanks that were buried in the ground leaked into drinking water sources. Chemicals were pumped into the base from a dry-cleaning business located off-base, and industrial solvents were utilized nearby in the cleaning of military machinery.

In the 1970s in the 1970s, during the 70s, the Environmental Protection Agency labeled the base as a “major polluter,” as the water was found to be contaminated with chemicals at levels up to 240-3400 times higher than what safety standards allow. Despite a base order from 1974 requiring the safe disposal of solvents chemicals were dumped in and buried in the vicinity of wells that were used for base water for many several years. Even after water pollution was detected in the year 1980, the problem continued. Officials in the government covered up the illegal dumping for a long time and ignored attempts to expose the truth.

Experts say that the drinking water test at the Camp Lejeune well was some of the most heavily affected with contaminants ever found anywhere in the U.S. An investigation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) discovered that the levels of chemicals present in the contaminated water were sufficient to increase the risk of developing cancer and other serious illnesses, like infants and pregnant women.

Many family members and service members who were exposed to the contaminants on Camp Lejeune have developed certain diseases and cancers and are entitled to justice for their suffering. Justice Now Justice Now has dedicated, sympathetic attorneys who are willing to stand up for your rights and seek the money you’re due. 

Contact us today if you think that you have a legitimate claim. The consultation is free and you’ll only be charged costs if we collect any financial compensation for you.

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